Tutorial – preparation of POSCAR

In this tutorial, we show how to prepare POSCAR file via the Materials Project (MP) database.

Preparation of the POSCAR file

Firstly, we obtain the POSCAR file through the MP REST API. (Of course, it’s also fine to prepare POSCAR by another way.) For this, we need to set the PMG_MAPI_KEY in the .pmgrc.yaml file, e.g., See pymatgen web page 1, for more details.

To confirm the pymatgen setting works properly, run the following python script snippet. Note that it creates vasp files, so it would be better to move to a temporary directory. If the VASP files are not created, there should be a problem related to the pymatgen.

from pymatgen.io.vasp.sets import VaspInputSet
from pymatgen.core import Structure, Lattice
from pymatgen.io.vasp.sets import MPRelaxSet
s = Structure(Lattice.cubic(1), ["H", "He"], [[0.0]*3, [0.5]*3])
vasp_set = MPRelaxSet(s)

Once we find the MP id (e.g., mp-2857 for ScN) via the MP web page, Vise allows one to automatically retrieve the POSCAR files using the get_poscar (= gp) sub-command. For example, we can get the crystal structure of ScN by typing as follows:

vise gp -m mp-2857